Доброго дня. Гра дуже сподобалась, єдиний недолік, це відсутність хоча би ру локалізації, через перекладач дуже не зручно. Будь ласка додайте хоча би машинну😢
Игра очень сильно зацепила меня за душу, да я во многие новеллы играл, но именно она Как Исправить Будущее мне очень сильно понравилась, всё в ней хорошо, больше всего меня зацепила и нравится мне линия с Кэти, классно и душевно сделана её линейка да и сама она красивая и классная, стараюсь и прохожу по её линии, было бы круто в будущем побольше контента построения отношений любви между ней и главным героем, буду ждать.
Главный Герой очень классно прорисован и сам по себе характер очень классный, очень круто прописаны остальные персонажи, разраб желаю тебе успехов и выкладке новых обновлений.
How much of the story is out? I've tried the free version and I got hooked. I've completed Chapter 1, I don't know how to get chapter 2. AWESOME GAME so far. I dint like to read but this story makes me want to play and read.
Thank you. Chapter 2, Part Two is the latest update available. Just buy it here or on patreon and download it as a separate game. It includes the previous chapter and will show your saves.
Usually I move on but theres times i see potential in games and I have to point out a thing or two. You have a talent, no lie about that. But a red flag I have is there's always an involvement of the LGBT through dialogue and have the MC say what you as the dev feels like saying. the lesbians, the gays, the trans...For your next game, I suggest you keep all things vanilla but have options for those who prefer other kinks. sounds easy? I know, we all have our kinks. and that is exactly why I am asking for an alternative path to everything.
You actually have a choice at the very beginning when MC can start acting a bit homophobic even. So you basically have three options: into trans, don't care about it, hate it. It might not be too obvious tho. Just choose to run away when you first see Daisy. But later after one event with Daisy he kind of changes his mind. It's all about developing Daisy's character and adding depth to her while still delivering an important message. Could I have done without it? Sure. But I decided to bring this up for all paths coz I believe it's important. But you won't get much content or dialogues about this topic unless there is Daisy involved somehow. And unless you are on her path, there's almost no content with her whatsoever.
But I'm not trying to make excuses here:) Just saying that you have options and you form your own kinks. Can even be homophobic if you want to.
thanks for the feedback. and what about the lesbian content? A threesome doesn't need to involve homo acts. if possible, please have the option to only have the girls focus on MC. like in "Away from home". again, it's about making everyone happy in this department. so don't remove the content, just make alt paths. ps. i love your work so far❤
I think you gave plenty of opportunities to skip it. Honestly, it was pretty cool to see it so normalized. Felt less fetish-y and more "hey, this is a person".
Approximately 6-9 chapters. 3 chapters per book. I plan to release the first book on steam when I finish 3rd chapter. But the second book might be bigger and have more chapters. Hard to say right now.
I would like to create a backup of the save files, and delete the game, but I can't find them. I did find a file in Android named "da.fix.future" I thought that was it, but it's empty.
Ive just started the game and im liking it quite alot, i do have a suggestion/concern, i like how you introduce certain aspects in the game with a choice, and remove or keep content in the playthrough based on the player choice, eg. Trans content, but it feels quite black and white. I wish there was more of a neutral grey area. For example the shower scene where you see the first trans person, you have the option to stay, walk away or run away, if you choose to stay, the game keeps Trans content, but immediately makes your mindset like your attracted, and if you choose to leave it removes the content. But there's no option to just, for the examples purpose, just stay and shower, keeping the Trans content, but not immediately making the presumption that your character is stimulated by it. Again, I just started playing, so I have no idea how that choice affects things in the future, but I just felt that situation forced you to either be attracted or completely uninterested/perturbed by it. Affecting what could be alot of future possible content by a silly little choice. I don't know if it makes sense to anyone, but it's just an opinion, if I walked into a public shower that I thought to be a men's shower and found what I believed to be a woman inside, I might be taken aback for a second thinking I picked the wrong shower, but after realizing my friend probably wouldn't have misdirected me, I'd assume co-ed showers, at which I'd just walk in and start showering, maybe even give a casual wave, head nod or "hi" if our eyes met, regardless of if they were female/male/Trans.etc , but the game kind of pigeon holes you into being a peeping Tom, or makes you run away and forcibly removes content.
Just think it would feel more natural to have a neutral grey area choice, keeping the Trans content, but not forcing my libido lol. Let my emotions be swayed by thier character, not what they are packing so to say lol.
Anyways, just an early game observation, game looks great, keep it up :)
Really enjoyed playing the demo, story seems engaging and the characters are really interesting.
A question, you seem to be trying to approach the relationship dynamics carefully and thoughtfully in this story. So I was wondering if the dominant path can be played as a respectful dominant? I.E someone who is closer to how healthy people (In dominant roles) in the BDSM community are supposed to behave.
By which I mean someone who does respect the idea of, limits, after care and insuring the sub is healthy and happy after a scene? It is something I have noticed that most AVN's completely skip over which tends to make their BDSM scenes look a very unhealthy, and it is why I automatically put Octavia (despite some of the things she said) as a bad potentially abusive dom because she only appears to really care about herself in her relationship dynamics. Her sex games are about enforcing her will, and her status, not about mutual satisfaction.
If not obviously its your game, but I thought I would ask, since the character writing seems to lean more towards three dimensional realism than just porn fantasy.
It depends. I'm trying to keep a balance here. Keeping a more real approach to the characters, their relationships and lewd scenes. But it's not always possible, to be honest. But you won't see characters treating each other as shit, that's for sure. Octavia's femdom side is a different story, but even here you will notice some changes and progress along the game.
In short, there's a place for different dom stuff both male and female. But most of the time their dynamics will be healthy.
Thank you for your reply. I very much appreciate it, and I get what you mean about keeping a balance.
Obviously not critiquing other people's tastes, but what you have said reassures me as for me personally its a big turn off to pick a more dom path with a love interest only for the MC to treat someone like shit. Unless they are meant to be on a 'evil route' naturally as then it makes sense. I would have probably bought and continued to follow your game anyway, as I think your story is fun, I would just have stuck more rigidly to vanilla routes.
Octavia is an interesting character and well written, character flaws and all, and I look forward to seeing how she develops.
Thanks again, and wishing you the best for the continued production of this story.
I might translate it into the most popular languages when it'll be finished. For now, it's only English. I don't want to use machine translation, and good translators are pricey.
oh it’s a shame, I don’t know English well and I played the previous version where there was a translation, I really liked the game, but it looks like I won’t be playing the new versions soon. But good luck with your development.
Hi. I can help you with a more or less high-quality translation into russian lang and I can take something for work, and it's not money. What do you think about it?
Yeah, we were dreaming, obviously the developer noticed my message, but did not respond because he wants a super professional translation and not to pay anything for it. But in fact, a good translation into Russian can be obtained by running the text through Yandex.Translator and manually correcting the endings of verbs and sometimes nouns. So if the original text is error-free, then the translation will be smooth. By the way, I would advise everyone to use it, as it translates much more accurately (at least from English to Russian and back) than Google, this is not only my personal opinion, but also proved by the rulate website
I appreciate your desire to help, guys. I'll work on a comminuty-translating solution sometime in the future. Maybe closer to steam release. So stay tuned. Maybe join my discord server. I'll let everybody know when I have something.
so is mega the only way to download after purchasing chapter 2? mega keeps saying I've exceeded the limit and to wait then it wont ever let me finish download. is there another way to get the download link without using mega?
To successfully download larger files from MEGA, all you need is to create a free account, install their desktop app, then use that to download files (A small dropdown arrow next to [Download] on the MEGA page, then choose to [Download with desktop app], or copy the URL, open the desktop app, click the three dots/[Show options], choose [Open links], paste URL). It won't increase the transfer limit, but the desktop app is a download manager, meaning that as soon as your waiting period is over, it resumes and finishes the download without any further interaction from the user
In my experience, MEGA (desktop app) is the most reliable filesharing service, never losing any files, or causing me to ever restart a file download from the beginning, unlike all the other filesharing services I have tested.
Quick question, I have How_To_Fix_The_Future-0.2.5-pc and How_To_Fix_The_Future-0.3.1-pc. Do I need to install both or just the more recent? If both, do I just extract the second and overwrite the 1st? Sorry, first time playing a game like this so just a bit confued.
Each update is a complete version of the game. Meaning, you don't need previous version to play it. It includes all of them. Just download the latest archive, unzip it and play. Don't extract into the same folder, There may be some conflicts and issues.
If you bought it for $5, you need to join my discord, drop me a message with your email used for itch, and I'll give you access to download the new update. The minimum price on itch is $10 now.
I've bought and played a few of these graphic novel adult games, and unfortunately there seems to be a common stylistic choice of writing out the main character's internal dialogue. This is unfortunate because it breaks immersion by putting someone else's thoughts in the mind of the player rather than allowing the player to put their own thoughts into the main character.
What I mean is, by giving the main character internal dialogue, you break immersion for the player because the player doesn't always think like what you've written. An example would be in the first scene, when the main character is having a conversation with the woman at the counter, he thinks something along the lines of: 'I bet daddy pays for all of her stuff'. It didn't really align with the opinion, I, as the player was forming about the woman in the scene, or fit with my own personality. When making a game like this, you want the player to immerse themselves into the main character. By not giving the main character an internal dialogue that could conflict with the personality of the player, you allow the player to form their own thoughts and opinions on the story and characters instead of telling the player what to think.
absolutely agree. The best VN authors include less telling and more showing and reduce the amount of unnecessary monologue; additional, the best grant views from all angles with less constant face-to-face interactions. Telling a story is as much an art form as the delivery of gorgeous scenes. Too much monologue is a crutch and a clear sign the creator(s) is/are lacking the storytelling capabilities.
Note: this VN has great aspects of the better VNs, and snipping out some of the monologue and relying on scene construction and dialogue to tell the story would greatly benefit a quite good project.
This is honestly a really shit take. By your standards, the MC also shouldn't have any dialogue, because it isn't what you would have said. It's clear you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how writing a character works, so in the hopes of helping you understand, YOU are not the MC. The MC is a character the author has created, and the internal dialogue exists to help you understand and immerse yourself in the character, not transform the character into you.
Let me give you a very basic example of why it's important. Let's say there's a situation where the MC and a female character are on the verge of engaging in some sort of sexual activity. Maybe you as the reader would just rip off her clothes and go to town. However, the author chose to have the MC play hard to get and tease the female character a bit to push her into taking the lead but doesn't want her to know. So the author has the MC say "It's getting really late. I should probably head home." So you're sitting there like "what the fuck? Is he an idiot? She obviously wants it." Without an internal dialogue of the MC thinking about teasing her, you would have no idea why the MC said he was going to leave.
That being said, I do understand where you're coming from. You want to imagine the MC is you, but that just doesn't really work in VNs. My suggestion is wait a few more years, and through the use of AI it's likely that authors will be able to write the basic outline of a story and allow you to choose exactly what you would say or do while the AI generates responses that fall in line with the story outline the author gave it.
I think you misunderstood the intent of my comment, so I'll try to help you out.
The concept of making your MC relatable to your audience is a fundamental and basic principle of storytelling. Depending on the genre and style of your game or story the techniques that you use to accomplish this may vary.
You mentioned that by my standards the MC shouldn't have any dialogue at all. This made me chuckle because that wasn't really what I was saying, however, that very concept is actually a thing. It's called 'The Silent Protagonist'. Here's a portion of a Wikipedia page that explains the concept.
"In video games, a silent protagonist is a player character who lacks any dialogue for the entire duration of a game, with the possible exception of occasional interjections or short phrases. In some games, especially visual novels, this may extend to protagonists who have dialogue, but no voice acting like all other non-player characters. A silent protagonist may be employed to lend a sense of mystery or uncertainty of identity to the gameplay, or to help the player identify better with them."
You may take note of the last sentence in the paragraph which explains this as a technique of making the MC more relatable to the player. Off of the top of my head, Link, from the Legend of Zelda series is one of the most iconic examples I can think of.
Now that's all well and good, but you might say a completely silent protagonist doesn't really fit into this genre of game. And you would be right. It would be impossible to have this MC be completely silent. However, there are still techniques that you can use to make the MC more relatable to a wider base of players.
A great example of how this can be done in this particular genre of game is 'Karlsson's Gambit'. I would highly recommend playing that game. The way the creator achieves a relatable MC is by tastefully integrating internal dialogue with choices. When the MC is interacting with other characters, there is often a point in the interaction where you as the player decide the internal dialogue of the character via options of dialogue or thoughts. This strategy is also used by bioware for games like 'The old Republic', or 'Mass effect.' In these games, there is close to no internal dialogue of the main character and customizable external dialogue for required interactions which may affect the direction of the story.
By eliminating non necessary and oddly specific internal dialogue of the MC you make your character more appealing to a wider range of players.
Did you buy it for $20? If not, you can't until it becomes available for the amount you paid. I have a release dates determined for other prices in the release post.
hey. honestly, i hate the fact that whenever im enjoying a visual novel and then suddenly theres some lesbian or gay thing that happens without my approval. its like EVERY SINGLE visual novel has to have gay characters. its so annoying, man. reminds me of when i was playing Leap Of Faith and then Kira kissed Cece. some of us are not into that shit, dude. it actually turns me off completely on the story because im forced to see it. i deleted this game but i did enjoy the rest of the story. finding good visual novels is hard these days. cause every developer seems to have the same mindset. except like 3 developers i know who kept things normal. and Cathy looks like Holly from Leap Of Faith...hot! usually i replay and speedrun a game i love but because of the reason stated above...i wont replay this one. 5/10 for me.
whatever floats your boat, beta boy. I personally hate that shit. The problem with people like you is you grew up watching too much porn. But errr whatever...play it if you want. I was just telling the developer what I don't like. and if he is clever, he will listen to his critiques.
Weird complaint tbh. As a guy, I wouldnt want gay content, but dont mind lesbian content. I dont think its THAT big of a deal though, just isnt for you. The majority are probably okay with it, so you fall into a minority bro, dont play it if you dont want. TBH, your comment just comes off as a rant for attention because you were hot and bothered more than you needed to be.
I don't usually mind that content. However it was handeled strangley in this game, with overt political bias.
The Trans character is just a trojan horse to inject real world current politics into the game. Talking about "Transfemenism" and all this BS. Your character is refferred to as "Cisgender" which is literally an insult for "Heterosexual" used by weirdo Leftists(Exclusively), why is it being used in a a Sci-Fi story set 100 years into the future?
I don't mind there being a trans character, just make them like a normal fucking human being. Not a walking billboard for your political ideologies.
Don't judge too harshly, for some people, this is the only experience at dating they have, so when MC is not involved in a scene, they feel like they're being cheated on.
yh the developer needs to signal us. Trans gender is a no go area. Reminds me of when i was playing tales of the unending void. i thought 'Reane' was a straight, turns out she has both a dick and a VG. THE GAME TURNED FROM ENJOYABLE TO SOUR CUZ MY PRIDE WAS HURT
Just finished the demo today, I couldn't put it down! Seriously going on my top 10 games of all time, no joke the story and characters were THAT GOOD. I applaud you for putting this much effort into a game in an industry that most people scoff at and shove under the rug as being full of nothing but horrible people. While we may not be the most innocent of the bunch ;) we're still people; this game reminded me of that, so thank you. Keep up the great work!
I can't say for sure right now. I might add a second chapter to the demo version after chapter 3 release, but I haven't decided yet. Even if I will, it won't happen till somewhere near winter.
Great visuals, was really intrigued. Story going along nicely, but dragging in chloe + BJ in the portal - pretty much made "The chosen one" feel like nothing. Was hoping they would be his friends "back home" when he goes to visit or something. Was a real bummer for me.
MC isn't chosen, the second his friends also gets "chosen" its nothing special at all. - if 3 people who knew each other all completed it, that would mean millions of people could get "chosen". The madam goes from a queen to an "aunt" - why doesn't she punish Chloe when she goes all "bitchmode" on her?
As said, great concept, the characters and wording are mostly really well written - but there's holes in the story that are hard to accept.
YESSSSS!!!! when i play games that require the main character to go on some mission, i prefer to be alone without dragging anyone i know into it. ripples did the same thing by dragging Darci to go back to the past with you and that was a complete shit move. this is why i like Desert stalker. the game is a one man mission based game and thats what i prefer
The product promises to be one of the best visually, scripted and sexual games. What is now - aesthetically pleasing, not stupid, there are characters - and each of them has a character, they are not cardboard.
I will gladly buy this game when it is completed. Will be a worthy addition to the collection.
← Return to game
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I downloaded v 2.6, but it wont continue past chapter 1. Am i doing something wrong?
No. This is the end of the free demo version. You need to purchase the full game to continue.
Is there a way to make the text bigger? It seems really small and far to the bottom. Might just be me though
Try Shift+A
whats happening mr.moonmi
Will there be impreg?
Доброго дня. Гра дуже сподобалась, єдиний недолік, це відсутність хоча би ру локалізації, через перекладач дуже не зручно. Будь ласка додайте хоча би машинну😢
Українська буде додана в майбутньому. Найімовірніше у стім релізі.
so any progress......will you release the game this month
Игра очень сильно зацепила меня за душу, да я во многие новеллы играл, но именно она Как Исправить Будущее мне очень сильно понравилась, всё в ней хорошо, больше всего меня зацепила и нравится мне линия с Кэти, классно и душевно сделана её линейка да и сама она красивая и классная, стараюсь и прохожу по её линии, было бы круто в будущем побольше контента построения отношений любви между ней и главным героем, буду ждать.
Главный Герой очень классно прорисован и сам по себе характер очень классный, очень круто прописаны остальные персонажи, разраб желаю тебе успехов и выкладке новых обновлений.
How do I download this in android using mega? ;(
Changed links to another file sharing. Try now.
will we get it this month?
Unfortunately no. Still working. Next month.
can we get a date on the release???
No. I'll let everyone know the release date when I finish. Join my discord or follow me on patreon(free).
I purchased game on itch for 10 dollars, will I get 3.2 included?
Yes. on August 7.
BTW this is a very good, no outstanding VN. I'm looking forward to more and more! Thank you for the great work, story's and characters.
is this an one girl kinda story or an harem?
when will be the next update???and how much would be the gameplay time
Soon. I almost finished it. Approximately 1-2 hours depending on paths, some previous decisions and your reading pace.
you are a fucking GOD!!!!!
How much of the story is out? I've tried the free version and I got hooked. I've completed Chapter 1, I don't know how to get chapter 2. AWESOME GAME so far. I dint like to read but this story makes me want to play and read.
Thank you.
Chapter 2, Part Two is the latest update available. Just buy it here or on patreon and download it as a separate game. It includes the previous chapter and will show your saves.
Usually I move on but theres times i see potential in games and I have to point out a thing or two. You have a talent, no lie about that. But a red flag I have is there's always an involvement of the LGBT through dialogue and have the MC say what you as the dev feels like saying. the lesbians, the gays, the trans...For your next game, I suggest you keep all things vanilla but have options for those who prefer other kinks. sounds easy? I know, we all have our kinks. and that is exactly why I am asking for an alternative path to everything.
Thank you.
You actually have a choice at the very beginning when MC can start acting a bit homophobic even. So you basically have three options: into trans, don't care about it, hate it. It might not be too obvious tho. Just choose to run away when you first see Daisy. But later after one event with Daisy he kind of changes his mind. It's all about developing Daisy's character and adding depth to her while still delivering an important message. Could I have done without it? Sure. But I decided to bring this up for all paths coz I believe it's important. But you won't get much content or dialogues about this topic unless there is Daisy involved somehow. And unless you are on her path, there's almost no content with her whatsoever.
But I'm not trying to make excuses here:) Just saying that you have options and you form your own kinks. Can even be homophobic if you want to.
thanks for the feedback. and what about the lesbian content? A threesome doesn't need to involve homo acts. if possible, please have the option to only have the girls focus on MC. like in "Away from home". again, it's about making everyone happy in this department. so don't remove the content, just make alt paths. ps. i love your work so far❤
I think you gave plenty of opportunities to skip it. Honestly, it was pretty cool to see it so normalized. Felt less fetish-y and more "hey, this is a person".
Hey! Do you have an idea or plan for how many chapters there will be, before the game is finished? Great game, by the way!
Approximately 6-9 chapters. 3 chapters per book. I plan to release the first book on steam when I finish 3rd chapter. But the second book might be bigger and have more chapters. Hard to say right now.
I hope for dom path for Cathy and Riley. I think Riley needs it.Also would to teach her to take it in the ass.
when is the next update ???please tell us we are eagerly waiting
Soon. Will do my best to release it at the end of this, or next month.
I would like to create a backup of the save files, and delete the game, but I can't find them. I did find a file in Android named "da.fix.future" I thought that was it, but it's empty.
You don't need to backup saves. My saves remain intact even if you uninstall the game. As long as you have manual saves they will remain.
Got it, thanks!
Ive just started the game and im liking it quite alot, i do have a suggestion/concern, i like how you introduce certain aspects in the game with a choice, and remove or keep content in the playthrough based on the player choice, eg. Trans content, but it feels quite black and white. I wish there was more of a neutral grey area. For example the shower scene where you see the first trans person, you have the option to stay, walk away or run away, if you choose to stay, the game keeps Trans content, but immediately makes your mindset like your attracted, and if you choose to leave it removes the content. But there's no option to just, for the examples purpose, just stay and shower, keeping the Trans content, but not immediately making the presumption that your character is stimulated by it. Again, I just started playing, so I have no idea how that choice affects things in the future, but I just felt that situation forced you to either be attracted or completely uninterested/perturbed by it. Affecting what could be alot of future possible content by a silly little choice. I don't know if it makes sense to anyone, but it's just an opinion, if I walked into a public shower that I thought to be a men's shower and found what I believed to be a woman inside, I might be taken aback for a second thinking I picked the wrong shower, but after realizing my friend probably wouldn't have misdirected me, I'd assume co-ed showers, at which I'd just walk in and start showering, maybe even give a casual wave, head nod or "hi" if our eyes met, regardless of if they were female/male/Trans.etc , but the game kind of pigeon holes you into being a peeping Tom, or makes you run away and forcibly removes content.
Just think it would feel more natural to have a neutral grey area choice, keeping the Trans content, but not forcing my libido lol. Let my emotions be swayed by thier character, not what they are packing so to say lol.
Anyways, just an early game observation, game looks great, keep it up :)
Really enjoyed playing the demo, story seems engaging and the characters are really interesting.
A question, you seem to be trying to approach the relationship dynamics carefully and thoughtfully in this story. So I was wondering if the dominant path can be played as a respectful dominant? I.E someone who is closer to how healthy people (In dominant roles) in the BDSM community are supposed to behave.
By which I mean someone who does respect the idea of, limits, after care and insuring the sub is healthy and happy after a scene? It is something I have noticed that most AVN's completely skip over which tends to make their BDSM scenes look a very unhealthy, and it is why I automatically put Octavia (despite some of the things she said) as a bad potentially abusive dom because she only appears to really care about herself in her relationship dynamics. Her sex games are about enforcing her will, and her status, not about mutual satisfaction.
If not obviously its your game, but I thought I would ask, since the character writing seems to lean more towards three dimensional realism than just porn fantasy.
Thank you.
It depends. I'm trying to keep a balance here. Keeping a more real approach to the characters, their relationships and lewd scenes. But it's not always possible, to be honest. But you won't see characters treating each other as shit, that's for sure. Octavia's femdom side is a different story, but even here you will notice some changes and progress along the game.
In short, there's a place for different dom stuff both male and female. But most of the time their dynamics will be healthy.
Thank you for your reply. I very much appreciate it, and I get what you mean about keeping a balance.
Obviously not critiquing other people's tastes, but what you have said reassures me as for me personally its a big turn off to pick a more dom path with a love interest only for the MC to treat someone like shit. Unless they are meant to be on a 'evil route' naturally as then it makes sense. I would have probably bought and continued to follow your game anyway, as I think your story is fun, I would just have stuck more rigidly to vanilla routes.
Octavia is an interesting character and well written, character flaws and all, and I look forward to seeing how she develops.
Thanks again, and wishing you the best for the continued production of this story.
Привет эта игра ещё платная или снова сделали бесплатной?
Will purchases of Chapter 2 include future releases of that chapter?
Yes. And all the ones after that.
do you want to translate your game into other languages?
I might translate it into the most popular languages when it'll be finished. For now, it's only English. I don't want to use machine translation, and good translators are pricey.
oh it’s a shame, I don’t know English well and I played the previous version where there was a translation, I really liked the game, but it looks like I won’t be playing the new versions soon. But good luck with your development.
Hi. I can help you with a more or less high-quality translation into russian lang and I can take something for work, and it's not money. What do you think about it?
i could maybe help with a french translation. the game is cool, and it would be an honor to be a part of it.
Yeah, we were dreaming, obviously the developer noticed my message, but did not respond because he wants a super professional translation and not to pay anything for it. But in fact, a good translation into Russian can be obtained by running the text through Yandex.Translator and manually correcting the endings of verbs and sometimes nouns. So if the original text is error-free, then the translation will be smooth. By the way, I would advise everyone to use it, as it translates much more accurately (at least from English to Russian and back) than Google, this is not only my personal opinion, but also proved by the rulate website
I also would love to help in case you may be interested in translating into Turkish
I appreciate your desire to help, guys. I'll work on a comminuty-translating solution sometime in the future. Maybe closer to steam release. So stay tuned. Maybe join my discord server. I'll let everybody know when I have something.
so is mega the only way to download after purchasing chapter 2? mega keeps saying I've exceeded the limit and to wait then it wont ever let me finish download. is there another way to get the download link without using mega?
Yes, mega is the only download server I have.
Try again, I raised my personal transfer quota for users downloading my files.
thanks . i was able to get around it with a VPN . already finished the chapter. great work. ill def buy your next installment for whatever u need.
To successfully download larger files from MEGA, all you need is to create a free account, install their desktop app, then use that to download files (A small dropdown arrow next to [Download] on the MEGA page, then choose to [Download with desktop app], or copy the URL, open the desktop app, click the three dots/[Show options], choose [Open links], paste URL). It won't increase the transfer limit, but the desktop app is a download manager, meaning that as soon as your waiting period is over, it resumes and finishes the download without any further interaction from the user
In my experience, MEGA (desktop app) is the most reliable filesharing service, never losing any files, or causing me to ever restart a file download from the beginning, unlike all the other filesharing services I have tested.
Everyone has its own flavor and it’s up to the author to generate the vision =)
Quick question, I have How_To_Fix_The_Future-0.2.5-pc and How_To_Fix_The_Future-0.3.1-pc. Do I need to install both or just the more recent? If both, do I just extract the second and overwrite the 1st? Sorry, first time playing a game like this so just a bit confued.
Each update is a complete version of the game. Meaning, you don't need previous version to play it. It includes all of them. Just download the latest archive, unzip it and play. Don't extract into the same folder, There may be some conflicts and issues.
Thank you! *edit, came back to say that the game is amazing. Well written, interesting characters. So enjoyable. Thank you for this!
Is Walkthrough (Chapter 2) planned or in the works?
I plan to update it when I finish chapter 2.
Hey, any predictions on when the new update will be available for those who paid $5? The schedule said it would be on October 23rd.
Yes, I forgot to edit release post, sorry.
If you bought it for $5, you need to join my discord, drop me a message with your email used for itch, and I'll give you access to download the new update. The minimum price on itch is $10 now.
Thank you.
I've bought and played a few of these graphic novel adult games, and unfortunately there seems to be a common stylistic choice of writing out the main character's internal dialogue. This is unfortunate because it breaks immersion by putting someone else's thoughts in the mind of the player rather than allowing the player to put their own thoughts into the main character.
What I mean is, by giving the main character internal dialogue, you break immersion for the player because the player doesn't always think like what you've written. An example would be in the first scene, when the main character is having a conversation with the woman at the counter, he thinks something along the lines of: 'I bet daddy pays for all of her stuff'. It didn't really align with the opinion, I, as the player was forming about the woman in the scene, or fit with my own personality. When making a game like this, you want the player to immerse themselves into the main character. By not giving the main character an internal dialogue that could conflict with the personality of the player, you allow the player to form their own thoughts and opinions on the story and characters instead of telling the player what to think.
absolutely agree. The best VN authors include less telling and more showing and reduce the amount of unnecessary monologue; additional, the best grant views from all angles with less constant face-to-face interactions. Telling a story is as much an art form as the delivery of gorgeous scenes. Too much monologue is a crutch and a clear sign the creator(s) is/are lacking the storytelling capabilities.
Note: this VN has great aspects of the better VNs, and snipping out some of the monologue and relying on scene construction and dialogue to tell the story would greatly benefit a quite good project.
This is honestly a really shit take. By your standards, the MC also shouldn't have any dialogue, because it isn't what you would have said. It's clear you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how writing a character works, so in the hopes of helping you understand, YOU are not the MC. The MC is a character the author has created, and the internal dialogue exists to help you understand and immerse yourself in the character, not transform the character into you.
Let me give you a very basic example of why it's important. Let's say there's a situation where the MC and a female character are on the verge of engaging in some sort of sexual activity. Maybe you as the reader would just rip off her clothes and go to town. However, the author chose to have the MC play hard to get and tease the female character a bit to push her into taking the lead but doesn't want her to know. So the author has the MC say "It's getting really late. I should probably head home." So you're sitting there like "what the fuck? Is he an idiot? She obviously wants it." Without an internal dialogue of the MC thinking about teasing her, you would have no idea why the MC said he was going to leave.
That being said, I do understand where you're coming from. You want to imagine the MC is you, but that just doesn't really work in VNs. My suggestion is wait a few more years, and through the use of AI it's likely that authors will be able to write the basic outline of a story and allow you to choose exactly what you would say or do while the AI generates responses that fall in line with the story outline the author gave it.
I think you misunderstood the intent of my comment, so I'll try to help you out.
The concept of making your MC relatable to your audience is a fundamental and basic principle of storytelling. Depending on the genre and style of your game or story the techniques that you use to accomplish this may vary.
You mentioned that by my standards the MC shouldn't have any dialogue at all. This made me chuckle because that wasn't really what I was saying, however, that very concept is actually a thing. It's called 'The Silent Protagonist'. Here's a portion of a Wikipedia page that explains the concept.
"In video games, a silent protagonist is a player character who lacks any dialogue for the entire duration of a game, with the possible exception of occasional interjections or short phrases. In some games, especially visual novels, this may extend to protagonists who have dialogue, but no voice acting like all other non-player characters. A silent protagonist may be employed to lend a sense of mystery or uncertainty of identity to the gameplay, or to help the player identify better with them."
You may take note of the last sentence in the paragraph which explains this as a technique of making the MC more relatable to the player. Off of the top of my head, Link, from the Legend of Zelda series is one of the most iconic examples I can think of.
Now that's all well and good, but you might say a completely silent protagonist doesn't really fit into this genre of game. And you would be right. It would be impossible to have this MC be completely silent. However, there are still techniques that you can use to make the MC more relatable to a wider base of players.
A great example of how this can be done in this particular genre of game is 'Karlsson's Gambit'. I would highly recommend playing that game. The way the creator achieves a relatable MC is by tastefully integrating internal dialogue with choices. When the MC is interacting with other characters, there is often a point in the interaction where you as the player decide the internal dialogue of the character via options of dialogue or thoughts. This strategy is also used by bioware for games like 'The old Republic', or 'Mass effect.' In these games, there is close to no internal dialogue of the main character and customizable external dialogue for required interactions which may affect the direction of the story.
By eliminating non necessary and oddly specific internal dialogue of the MC you make your character more appealing to a wider range of players.
I bought the game here through Itch.io, but it only appears to download version 0.2.5, how do I download version 0.3?
Did you buy it for $20? If not, you can't until it becomes available for the amount you paid. I have a release dates determined for other prices in the release post.
Ohh, so that's it! Thanks.
when will the next update come out??
any chance you bring this to steam?
I sure will. Just not soon. I have to finish several chapters first and it may take a while.
Is there an approximate time frame for chapter 2 part 2 release? The game is great btw
Approximate timeframe - summer. I hope it won't take longer.
hey. honestly, i hate the fact that whenever im enjoying a visual novel and then suddenly theres some lesbian or gay thing that happens without my approval. its like EVERY SINGLE visual novel has to have gay characters. its so annoying, man. reminds me of when i was playing Leap Of Faith and then Kira kissed Cece. some of us are not into that shit, dude. it actually turns me off completely on the story because im forced to see it. i deleted this game but i did enjoy the rest of the story. finding good visual novels is hard these days. cause every developer seems to have the same mindset. except like 3 developers i know who kept things normal. and Cathy looks like Holly from Leap Of Faith...hot! usually i replay and speedrun a game i love but because of the reason stated above...i wont replay this one. 5/10 for me.
whatever floats your boat, beta boy. I personally hate that shit. The problem with people like you is you grew up watching too much porn. But errr whatever...play it if you want. I was just telling the developer what I don't like. and if he is clever, he will listen to his critiques.
Weird complaint tbh. As a guy, I wouldnt want gay content, but dont mind lesbian content. I dont think its THAT big of a deal though, just isnt for you. The majority are probably okay with it, so you fall into a minority bro, dont play it if you dont want. TBH, your comment just comes off as a rant for attention because you were hot and bothered more than you needed to be.
I don't usually mind that content. However it was handeled strangley in this game, with overt political bias.
The Trans character is just a trojan horse to inject real world current politics into the game. Talking about "Transfemenism" and all this BS. Your character is refferred to as "Cisgender" which is literally an insult for "Heterosexual" used by weirdo Leftists(Exclusively), why is it being used in a a Sci-Fi story set 100 years into the future?
I don't mind there being a trans character, just make them like a normal fucking human being. Not a walking billboard for your political ideologies.
Don't judge too harshly, for some people, this is the only experience at dating they have, so when MC is not involved in a scene, they feel like they're being cheated on.
yh the developer needs to signal us. Trans gender is a no go area. Reminds me of when i was playing tales of the unending void. i thought 'Reane' was a straight, turns out she has both a dick and a VG. THE GAME TURNED FROM ENJOYABLE TO SOUR CUZ MY PRIDE WAS HURT
Just finished the demo today, I couldn't put it down! Seriously going on my top 10 games of all time, no joke the story and characters were THAT GOOD. I applaud you for putting this much effort into a game in an industry that most people scoff at and shove under the rug as being full of nothing but horrible people. While we may not be the most innocent of the bunch ;) we're still people; this game reminded me of that, so thank you. Keep up the great work!
(P.S. Cathy is so fucking hot, holy hell)
Is v0.3.0 gonna be free?
I can't say for sure right now. I might add a second chapter to the demo version after chapter 3 release, but I haven't decided yet. Even if I will, it won't happen till somewhere near winter.
So you're saying there's hope.
Great visuals, was really intrigued. Story going along nicely, but dragging in chloe + BJ in the portal - pretty much made "The chosen one" feel like nothing. Was hoping they would be his friends "back home" when he goes to visit or something. Was a real bummer for me.
MC isn't chosen, the second his friends also gets "chosen" its nothing special at all. - if 3 people who knew each other all completed it, that would mean millions of people could get "chosen". The madam goes from a queen to an "aunt" - why doesn't she punish Chloe when she goes all "bitchmode" on her?
As said, great concept, the characters and wording are mostly really well written - but there's holes in the story that are hard to accept.
YESSSSS!!!! when i play games that require the main character to go on some mission, i prefer to be alone without dragging anyone i know into it. ripples did the same thing by dragging Darci to go back to the past with you and that was a complete shit move. this is why i like Desert stalker. the game is a one man mission based game and thats what i prefer
How to fix the future
Spoilers you can't (Smug Emoji)
LOL in all of seriousness I am going to check this out when I have time
Great game! One of the few on here that i finished the free version and went back to purchase the update because I was impatient.
The product promises to be one of the best visually, scripted and sexual games. What is now - aesthetically pleasing, not stupid, there are characters - and each of them has a character, they are not cardboard.
I will gladly buy this game when it is completed. Will be a worthy addition to the collection.
dumb question if bought part two do i need to download one?
No. It's a full game.
Thank you. As i dont want make another post. got yes no question just got the package. Will we see another time period? just yes or no.
Yes. There will be some time traveling later.